Who Are You Becoming?
January 7, 2024
With 2024 upon us, it is important for us to think through some questions as we reflect on the past year and prepare for the new one. Who am I and where am I going? What kind of a person am I today and do I like the person I am becoming? Am I closer to God after this past year or further? Am I more loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, and kind to those around me? Do I exhibit goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self control? Or am I more unloving and full of complaints when I don’t get my way, am I anxious and rude to those around me when I don’t get my way? Do I exhibit frequent judgment of others, harshness in my responses, duplicity and lack of self control in my behavior? This past year, did I live for God or did I just live for myself? It is how we answer these questions and what we do with those answers that will determine the direction, quality, and impact of our lives in the 2024 year.