
November 26, 2023
Series Description
Our life is filled with all different kinds of relationships. Friendships, romantic relationships, family relationships, work relationships, just to name a few. Relationships can bring joy, fellowship, excitement, and be life giving, but unfortunately for so many, relationships can also bring stress, pain, worry, grief, and even end up sucking the life out of us.
Most of us view and handle the relationships we have based on what we were taught or what we observed growing up. Meaning, if we were taught great principles on how to relate with others, then we have seen the fruit of healthy relationships in our adulthood. But if we didn’t grow up having such positive models, then we can end up just repeating all the unhealthiness again and again with whoever we interact with. But if God created and designed us for relationships and if we are better together, then how can we take the necessary steps towards bringing health into our relationships as we better relate with those around us.