
Easter 2023: Freedom

Readings: Mark 16:1-7

Good Friday? It is ironic that we call this day “Good.” Because for followers of Jesus, it was anything but good- in fact it was the worst thing that could have ever happened. The person that they followed, who promised them new life on Earth, and eternal life forever, was now hanging dead on a cross right in front of them. Any sort of hope that they had for their lives and their future was now lost and they didn’t know what to do as a result.

But Jesus came to put an end to sin’s hold over us and to make us right with God again. Which is why when Jesus said, “It is finished,” right before He died, it changed everything for the people watching and all who would believe in Him. Come find out how these very three words transform us and give us hope, perspective, and freedom in the midst of our pain, losses, struggles, and sufferings that we face.