News & Announcements

New Sermon Series: Running From God: Begins Sunday, September 15th

Have you ever run from God? Meaning, you feel like He is telling you to do something but you don’t want to do it? You don’t want to forgive that person, you don’t want to draw boundaries, or you don’t want to end that relationship. You know you should save your money but all you want to do is spend. You know you should be honest but you make yourself look better than you really are in front of others and on social media. You know you should include God in your plans and decisions, but you don’t.

We all face times where we are tempted to run from God, when we are determined to go our own way instead of His way. We even read about people in Scripture who tried to run from God. One of those people is a man named Jonah and his story can teach us valuable Biblical principles to live by that can really save us from being eaten later when things don’t turn out the way that we expected.

Come join us for our 6 week sermon series called Running From God: When We Are Determined To Go Our Own Way Instead Of His. This series begins on Sunday, September 15th. We meet every Sunday from 10-11:30am at the Ferryway School (150 Cross Street, Malden, MA). New series are a great opportunity for you to invite your friends, family members, neighbors, and co-workers to come and experience God with us!

If you want to catch up on previous Sunday messages, you can always go to our YouTube Channel or Facebook page.

If this is your first time at Community City Church, please click below for all the details about joining us on a Sunday!