- This event has passed.
English Conversation Class
- Date: Thursday, December 12, 2024
- Time: 7:00pm–8:30pm
- Location: Church Office, 214 Commercial Street, Suite 105, Malden, MA
Interested in practicing and improving your English with native speakers in Malden, MA? Come meet friends, learn about American culture, and have fun doing it. All are welcome to join in.
Our semester begins on Thursday, October 24th, and will go through Thursday, December 12th. We meet from 7:00-8:30pm.
We meet right in Malden Center (8 minute walk from Malden Center T Station).
The cost to join is $50 for the semester. However, don’t let money prevent you from joining us, please email or call 781-627-5177 for more information about financial assistance.
Any questions, please email or call 781-627-5177.
Interested in serving as an English Conversation Partner?
Consider becoming a volunteer conversation partner. Email for details.