Part 6: The Risks of Following Jesus
Zorangelí Ramos
We are a spiritual community that worships, serves, eats, and laughs as we learn to follow Jesus together and change the world with Him. Whether you’re looking for a church or a place to ask questions and connect with God, we welcome you to join us on a Sunday morning or at any of our midweek activities or events.
Sundays at 10am, 150 Cross Street, Malden, MA
Zorangelí Ramos
You’re invited to celebrate Easter with us! Come find out how the resurrection of Jesus brings us ultimate hope and changes everything about our lives.
Come join us for our 2 part sermon series Dying to Self on Sunday, April 6th and Sunday, April 13th.
Come join in for deeper community and dinner with others as we reflect on Jesus’ last supper before His crucifixion.
Come join us for our Good Friday service as we reflect on the death of Jesus and what it means for all of us.
Come join us every Monday evening as we seek God together.